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“It is all about people and opportunities”, states Cristina Santos. The Managing Director of Property Management of Sonae Sierra talked to ACROSS founder Reinhard Winiwarter about the management contract for Prishtina Mall, the company’s principles in property management and the potential of new regions.

“Creating great places is a balancing act between art and science,” states William Kistler, Founder and Managing Partner at urbanOvation. urbanOvation is a platform community created to foster better collaboration among all built environment stakeholders. In this article he argues that easy to measure, quantitative KPI metrics distract from the equally important qualitative ‘art’ that is essential to great placemaking.

Rüdiger Dany, CEO of NEPI Rockcastle, believes that one of the biggest mistakes made in the last 15 years was not being able to seize and take advantage of opportunities during a crisis or difficult situation. He has worked in very different markets, with different stories and problems, but his general takeaway is clear: The investments and development plans of a company should never be stopped unless it is absolutely necessary.

In 2022, Atrium European Real Estate became part of G City. As part of the rebranding process the company will be present in the market under the new name G City Europe. Subsequently, a number of corporate rebranding steps will be taken in various areas.

“By investing in human capital, business development and sustainable business strategy, a crisis cannot meet you unprepared”, states Jovana Cvetković, Development, Technical Operations and Innovations Director at MPC Properties. Investing in ESG on all levels is key in 2023 for companies like MPC Properties.

„Cost efficiency and transparency“ – according to Markus Schmut, these are the two big “drivers”, especially for the retail real estate industry in the coming year. We have spoken with Markus Schmut, the managing director of Fairmoney. Using a shopping center as an example of a case study, he shows us what is possible with efficient fixed cost management.

Better Spaces, Better Communities, and Better Together – those are the pillars upon which Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield’s sustainability strategy is based. URW is committed to playing a key role in the environmental and energy transition. As such, the company has been implementing its “Better Places 2030” sustainability strategy since 2016.

“The world keeps on turning, but marketing strategies have been the same for decades,” is the verdict of Bernhard Klein, Chief Marketing Executive of IMMOFINANZ, on traditional marketing efforts in the retail asset class. In his guest contribution, he outlines various opportunities and improvements with the help of software-based automation of sales and marketing processes.

Never before has the retail sector faced so many challenges at the same time – and shopping center operators alike. Joanna Fisher, CEO at ECE Marketplaces, and Steffen Friedlein, Managing Director Leasing Services at ECE Marketplaces, explain why there are still grounds for optimism, and why flexibility is key – both when setting own priorities and in relation with tenants and investors.

Sonae Sierra accelerates the future-proofing of its real estate portfolio. Christine Hager, Sonae Sierra Director, responsible for property management in Germany, describes what being future proof means in today’s business world. There is one thing or particular note: Knowing how energy is being consumed is key to understanding and identifying where the most effective changes should be made.

Climate-neutral real estate and long-term value retention: How can high-footfall properties such as shopping centers be operated in a climate-neutral manner in the future? What steps need to be taken in order to achieve that goal, and how much will it cost? ECE has developed a customized Energetic Renovation Roadmap for that particular asset class to help answer such questions.

To secure Operational Excellence, a company needs to invest in the next generation of leaders. Redevco’s management introduced a NextGen Board for young talent within the Redevco organization in Europe to bring together the next management generation and to address the topics of the future.

When it comes to future-oriented topics such as mixed use, formerly separate asset classes with very divergent ways of working are becoming increasingly blurred. As exemplified by the corporate policy of mixed-use specialist Art Invest, defined goals, a new management approach, clearly regulated internal communication, and a great deal of mutual trust are required.

As the results came in from 25 independent Solal judges across Europe, the person co-ordinating the results was Alan Thornton, CEO of AL Marketing in London and Head of the European Solal Marketing Awards team. He shares his view on the winning entries and considers what Rodovre Centrum, the winner of eight awards, does right when it comes to outstanding marketing effort.

While Western Europe is struggling with the aftermath of the coronavirus and is plagued by inflation concerns, Nepi Rockcastle has delivered 2019-level numbers and boasts a full development pipeline. In an interview with ACROSS editor Reinhard Winiwarter, CEO Rüdiger Dany explains the peculiarities of Eastern European markets, why he is neither concerned about inflation nor in the position of having to actively seek tenants for his sites, and why he sees ESG investments as real earnings opportunities.