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July 2, 2024

The Cologne-based startup pursues the mission of offering durable and high-quality upcycled products made from car parts at a fair price, with the entire value creation process being geared towards sustainability.

In recent months, further brands have been brought on board that will further differentiate the retail and lifestyle destination’s offering. With the Grand Opening on October 17, the city of Hamburg will welcome a vibrant new destination in the heart of HafenCity – a place that dynamically combines retail, residential, office space and leisure attractions.

Since opening in 2016, Avion has grown to become one of northern Sweden’s most popular destinations for retail, leisure, and food experiences. Now, the next step is being taken when Ingka Centres begins the first phase of the expansion of Avion Shopping. As Umeå grows, the meeting place will be expanded by 12,000 sqm with the goal of continuing to be a vibrant local meeting place with positive experiences in focus. The project is estimated to cost approximately 31 million euros and will be completed in autumn 2025.